Barth's Nuremberg Sausages
Barth's Nuremberg Sausages
Barth's Nuremberg Sausages

Barth's Nuremberg Sausages


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To qualify as a Nuremberg sausage, the sausage must be no longer than 9cm and weigh no more than 25g. Nuremberg bratwurst contain mace, pepper and marjoram in a recipe that dates back to the city's heyday as a medieval trading town. A Würstlein, or sausage supervisor, was appointed in 1315.

Each package has approximately 24 Nuremberg Sausages based on weight.

We are so excited to announce our new partnership with Barth’s Market from New Providence New Jersey. Our collection of fine specialty meats will be sourced from this renowned butcher shop, whose old-world legacy continues to celebrate its German roots.

Cooking Instructions

Nuremburg Sausage- Place Sausages into a frying pan with enough water to cover the bottom of the pan. Put flame on low and let the water steam off. Then take tongues and rotate sausages while maintaining the low flame until golden brown. Aprox 10-12 minutes total time.

Net Weight: 32 oz. / 2 lb .
Country of Origin: USA